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Shanghai Environmental Industry Laboratory Analysis Technology Specialized Training Program


In the field of environmental monitoring, the importance of detecting new pollutants is increasingly prominent, and the innovation and application of technology are key to driving industry development. Recently, RayKol Group was honored to be invited to the Shanghai Environmental Monitoring Center to host a training session themed "Specialized Solutions for Laboratory Analysis Technology." Here, we express our sincerest gratitude to the Shanghai Environmental Monitoring Center for their invitation and support, which has given us the opportunity to discuss and share cutting-edge water quality detection technologies and solutions with experts and scholars from the Shanghai Environmental Monitoring Center and various monitoring stations.

At the meeting, Mr. Dong Liang, Vice General Manager of RayKol Group, first shared the development history of the group. He detailed the innovative journey of RayKol Group since its establishment in 2007, starting with automation pre-processing technology and gradually developing into an industry leader providing comprehensive smart laboratory solutions. Mr. Dong's sharing not only gave attendees a deeper understanding of RayKol Group but also showcased the group's technological prowess and market layout in the field of environmental detection.


Next, Senior Application Engineer Mr. Ye Weipeng of RayKol Group shared the group's solutions for the detection and analysis of new pollutants in the environment. Mr. Ye deeply discussed the challenges of detecting new pollutants and showcased application cases in this field, providing valuable technical references and solutions for the attendees.


Lastly, Mr. Dai Xianghui, Director of the Technology Center of RayKol Group, shared insights on how to build a smart laboratory for water quality detection. Director Dai elaborated on the key technologies and implementation strategies for building a smart laboratory from the aspects of intelligence, automation, and informatization. His speech was not only forward-looking but also very practical, offering different forms of laboratory automation solutions based on the level of automation needs of laboratories and comprehensive client requirements.


The successful hosting of this training session not only strengthened technical exchange and cooperation within the industry but also injected new momentum into the innovative development of the environmental detection field. RayKol Group will continue to work hand in hand with industry peers to promote the development of smart water quality, contributing to the protection of water resources and the improvement of water environment quality.

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