The manual solid phase extraction process is always a tedious and time-consuming task. Due to the unstable flow rate, the sample parallelism of experiments can not be guaranteed since it can easily be affected by the column condition. Besides, organic reagents are highly toxic and permeable, long-term contact can rise health issues for lab technicians. Hence, RayKol automated SPE systems would be the ideal solution for all the issues above. Contact us for more information of RayKol automate liquid extraction equipment!
Solid phase extraction is a technique designed for rapid, selective sample preparation and purification prior to chromatographic analysis. It is a physical solid phase extraction discs process including mobile and stationary phase, to remove interfering compounds and obstain analytes of interests from a sample. One or more target compounds from an aqueous sample are enriched, isolated, purified by selective adsorption and elution via SPE cartridges through the process.
Solid phase extraction uses the difference of affinity between target compounds and interferents to sorbents in a liquid matrix. This affinity to sorbents (solid phase) allows the separation of the analytes from the impurities, the analytes can be retained in sorbents or directly eluted to collect, based on the properties of cartridge spe used in the extraction. In SPE extraction, if the adsorption of sorbents in the stationary phase to target compounds is stronger than the mobile phase, target compounds would be retained in the stationary phase when SPE samples pass through, then elute stationary phase with solvents to collect target compounds.
Recently, SPE solid phase extraction has been widely used as one of the sample preparation techniques for extraction, enrichment and purification before analytical instrumentation. Compared to liquid-liquid extraction, solid phase extraction can target on the specific analytes of interest while liquid-liquid extraction can only target the class of desired analytes, lead to obtain cleaner sample extracts. And solid phase extraction involves no shaking and can be automated to process in batch. Compared to manifold and vacuum SPE extraction, automated SPE has more accurate control in flow rate, solvent consumption to ensure repeatability and reproducibility of experiments.